I had to share this pic from my last class at The Vintage Patch - Betty the stand-up quilter (she's pretty comic as well!) Betty is quite short and does a lot of her work standing up - whatever works I say. This is her 3rd? quilt and her work is beautiful. She jumps in at the deep end and her quilts are huge. One will be on show at the Springwood High quilt show this weekend.
Please try and come up to the mountains Fri, Sat or Sun and take a look at over 150 wonderful quilts by local quilters - you will be very impressed I'm sure. Ten trading tables and a great cafe run by the students - it'll be worth your while.
On the subject of the show I have been making a quilt for The Vintage Patch to sell kits for at the show. It's a good one for the male in your life and a looks great in red and navy reproduction fabrics. The pic hasn't had the final border added yet.
Off to start quilting a Three Sisters wallhanging for Jeanette and her church - wish me luck!