What do you think of the new sidebar? Wouldn't you just love it in real fabric! It was a free download from
this site - thank you Megan. Check it out if you'd like a new look for your blog. They have free buttons and all sorts of goodies and they're really easy to download. I'm not the best at http's etc. so I need all the help I can get.
Further to the current issue of Homespun with the Texas Wheel quilt featured there is an "interview" with me on their
blog this week! How flattering of them to think people would be interested.

After much deliberation I decided to put just this border on my hexagon star and do lots of quilting in the background areas. The colour suits perfectly I think and is a lovely frame for the star which really didn't need any fussiness around it. It's been added to the pile of tops waiting to be quilted hanging over the stair railing. They make great insulation and stop the fire's warmth disappearing upstairs!

This is my hexagon sampler, done by hand at our Tuesday night group meetings. The blocks were drawn up in EQ5 and were a pleasure to sew. The yummy border I saw at Houston last year and then managed to find it at Hancocks for $4.98 per yard! You can click on the pic to see a closeup. The toile came from Zooks at Intercourse for something like $5 a yard - it's not fair is it that we pay so much for fabric out here!
Exciting times for me at the moment - wedding this weekend, leaving for 6 weeks O/S 10 days after that AND I'm starting an on-line shop! The good folks at SEWN have opened
SEWnSELL for all sorts of crafty people to be able to sell their wares. I am in the process of loading my store with patterns and actual quilts that have become "surplus to requirements". It is an exciting venture for me and I'll keep you posted.