Don't have any stats regarding heads through the door and takings but there sure were a lot of people there. On Saturday the cafe even ran out of sandwiches and bottled water! We had so many entries we had to cull @ 50 quilts as there were more quilts than hanging space.
I took lots of pics of the setting up and the display in general but my camera was not behaving so I have managed to salvage just a few from the show. Sorry guys.
Our "Unique Treasures" stall (above) had a fantastic result selling all sorts of things in the bric-a-brac and fabric related lines. It's such fun to "play shop). I sold quilts and quilt tops, patterns and fabrics and met so many friends and students who'd all come to check out the great work of our local mountain quilters.
Viewers" choice quilt was a beautiful Australian Wildflowers applique quilt (sorry no pic) and the raffle quilt was won by a local lady - so glad it didn't go to someone out of the area. I am keeping the raffle quilt til the Darling Harbour show where it's entered in the group category again.
This is the centre of Kris' beautiful applique quilt - the 3D flowers were lovely.