Tuesday, February 16, 2016

It's been a while!

It's been ages since I've posted and apologies for that! I had around 5 weeks off over Xmas to do nothing but sew and read and that's pretty much all I did!
Now I'm back on track with classes etc but have had NO INTERNET at home for nearly three weeks!
Hence no blog posts and other annoyances I won't bore you with. 
Anyway this is coming from my iPad using my daughters wifi. Wish me luck!
Kay's NYB wall hanging from a workshop in Tamworth last year. So graphic. 
Our Springwood Quilt show raffle quilt is out and about on its road trip to the show, 22-24 April. We'd love to see you there!
Quiltsmith hosted me for a one day workshop at the end of January. Great examples of my Snowball Circle block at the end of the day. 
And to celebrate 1000 followers on Instagram I had a give away with this mini quilt as the prize. It's on its way to the winner in Sweden even as,we speak. Hope she likes it!
A new quilt resulted from the Xmas break. Lots of fussy cutting and a good way to use some scraps. This one was fun!
My Pickled Fish quilt is on the machine right now with lots of ditching happening first. Then it's on to the fun bit with lots of FMQing. Every block is different fabric so it's interesting to work on. 
Hopefully I'll be back to normal soon computer-wise. 


  1. lots of great stuff happening..........glad you enjoyed a nice break......lovely to catch you for 5 secs and thanks for showing the quilts to me.........sadly after getting very excited that I might actually get there I have a wedding the same weekend as the quilt show......maybe next year......

  2. That is a very colourful blog post. I do like the pickle dish and the new scrap buster design. The pickle dish is a good scan buster as well. See you Sat.

  3. Never enough hours in the day!
    Gorgeous class work.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I tried clicking on your Instagram icon to start following you, but it didn't work. Can you please tell me your name on IG?

  6. Oh dear .... that thing called Life does get in the way sometimes! 1000 followers on IG?? I'm not at all surprised. I'd better get a move on though! x

  7. So many beautiful quilts!! I love your pickle dish!! Maybe we could use your pattern for next year's raffle quilt :)

  8. Welcome back! I understand the nuisance of having no internet - happens here also. Love the NYB by Kay - her colour choices are fantastic.
