On a more pleasant subject check out the two-page spread in the latest Down Under Quilts with good friend Marilyn's cheesy grin. It's a write-up about our quilt show in April with pics from last years show. How generous of the magazine for such wonderful exposure. Thanks Deborah.
Trawling thru blogland as you do I came across this blog from Wayne Kollinger who has lots of ideas for machine quilting. Really interesting ways to quilt the same blocks differently. He's now on my list of favourites.
I've finished my Spring swap for my friend Erica in the US and it will be posted off next week. I do hope she likes it. I can't put a picture up til she has received it in person. It has inspired another version which will be a magazine project in a future issue of Aust Country Craft. We have been emailing a bit about our lives and who knows maybe one day we'll meet. She sounds lovely.
Only 8 weeks til our quilt show and entries are trickling in. At the meeting last night it sounds like things are well in hand with lots that can only be done after entries have closed. So if you are thinking of displaying your work get the form/s in ASAP - closing date is 25th March.
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